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Doç.Dr.Haluk Hayri Öztekin


Bilimsel Kuruluşlara Üyelikler :      


   TOTBİD ÜYELİĞİ                                           

   TUSYAD ÜYESİ           

Ödüller : 

   TUBİTAK Uluslararası Bilimsel Yayınları Teşvik (UBYT) ödülleri.

   En iyi serbest bildiri ödülü:   Boya H, Ozcan O, Oztekin HH: “Klasik yöntemle yapılmış karpal tünel ameliyatı sonrası geç dönem komplikasyonlar” XI. El ve Üst Ekstremite Cerrahisi Kongresi, 16-19 Mayıs Çeşme, İzmir, Türkiye, (2008). Bildiri Özet Kitabı: 80-81.


   Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :

   A.1. Zeren B, Öztekin HH, Boya H, Özcan Ö “Symptomatic Entrapment of an Anomalous Semimembranosus Muscle by the Semitendinosus Tendon in a Professional Soccer Player: A Case Report”. The American Journal of Sports Medicine (2009), Vol. 37, No. 10, 2049-2052. DOI: 10.1177/0363546509334998.


   A.2. Özcan Ö, Boya H, Öztekin HH “Clinical evaluation of the proximal tibiofibular joint in knees with severe tibiofemoral primary arthritis”. The Knee (2009), 16, 248-250. DOI: 10.1016/j.knee.2008.12.013. SCI EXP.

   A.3. Pınar H, Boya H, Satoglu IS, Öztekin HH “A contribution to Pisani’ s sign for diagnosing lateral meniscal cysts: a technical report”. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc (2009) DOI: 10.1007/s00167-008-0718-4.”. SCI EXP.-Article in press, published online.

   A.4. Boya H, Özcan Ö, Öztekin HHLong-term complications of open carpal tunnel release” Muscle and Nerve (2008) 38:(5) 1443-1446. DOI: 10.1002/mus.21068. SCI and SCI EXP.

   A.5. Oztekin HH, Zeren B, Boya H, Ozcan O, Pinar P: “Foot and ankle injuries and time lost in professional soccer players” The Foot (2008) Vol.19(1), 22-28. DOI: 10.1016/j.foot.2008.07.003-SCOPUS”1””

   A.6. Oztekin HH, Zeren B, Boya H, Ozcan O, Pinar P: “Pain and affective distress before and after ACL surgery: A comparison of amateur and professional male soccer players in the early postoperative period” The Knee (2008) 15(5):368-372.PMID: 18635361 DOI:10.1016/j.knee2008.05.007 SCI Expanded-C

   A.7. Ozcan O, Boya H, Oztekin HH: “Nonunion of the radial neck with localized swelling at the anterior antecubital fossa mimicking a tumor”. Joint Dis Rel Surg 19(2):91-93 (2008) SCI-Expanded.

   A.8. Boya H, Ozcan O, Oztekin HH: “Tarsal tunnel syndrome associated with a neurilemoma in posterior tibial nerve: a case report”. The Foot  18( 3):174-177 (2008) SCOPUS.

   A.9. Boya H, Ozcan O, Oztekin HH, Radiological  evaluation of proximal tibiofibular joint in the knees with severe primary osteoarthritis”, Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology and Arthroscopy:16(2):157-159 (2008). PMID: 18034332-SCI-B

        A.10.  Oztekin HH, Boya H, Nalcakan M, Ozcan O, “Second-Toe Length and Forefoot Disorders in Ballet and Folk Dancers”, Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association; 97(5):385-388 (2007).  PMID: 17901343-SCI-Expanded-C

        A.11. Araç Ş, Boya H, Ozcan O, Oztekin HH, “Anterior capsular repair in total hip arthroplasty performed for late-presenting displaced femoral neck fractures”, Hip International; 16(3), 198-201 (2006)-SCI-Expanded

        A.12.  Zeren B, Oztekin HH, A new self diagnostic test for biceps femoris muscle strains”, Clin J Sports Med; 16(2):166-169 (2006) PMID: 16603888-SCI-A

     A.13. Zeren B, Oztekin HH, Score celebration injuries among soccer players”. Am J Sports Med; 33(8):1237-1240 (2005) PMID: 16000661-SCI-A

        A.14. Boya H, Ozcan O, Oztekin HH: “Proximally Abnormal Fifth Metatarsal and Os Vesalianum”. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association; 97 (5): 428-429 (2007)-SCI-Expanded-C

   A.15. Oztekin HH, Boya H, Zeren B, Schneider-Kolsky M, Warren P, Connell D: A

comparison between clinical assessment and magnetic resonance imaging of acute hamstring

injuries. Am. J. Sports Med.; 35: 149 – 150 (2007)-SCI-A

  A.16. Oztekin HH, Tandogan R: “Twenty year follow-up of a dislocation of the scaphoid and lunate”. Letter to the editor. J Hand Surg [Br]; 30:6, 659 (2005)-SCI-C

         A.17. Oztekin HH et al, Arthroscopic retrieval of sewing needle fragments in three children”. Am J Emerg Med; 24(4):506-508 (2006)-SCI-B

        A.18. Oztekin HH: “An unusual complication of knee arthroscopy an extraarticular migrated asymptomatic broken probe from the knee joint”. Arch Orthop Traum Surg ; 125(4):285-287 (2005)-SCI-C

        A.19. Zeren B, Oztekin HH: “Symptomatic bucket handle tear of the medial patellar plicae in three patients”. Am J Sports Med.;32(7):1748-1750 (2004)-SCI-A

        A.20. Oztekin HH: “Popliteal glomangioma mimicking Baker’s cyst in a nine-year-old child”. Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery; 19(7):E19-23 (2003)-SCI-B

        A.21. Oztekin HH, Karaarslan A: “Carpal tunnel syndrome due to a cavernous hemangioma of the median nerve”. Acta Orthop Traum  Tur 37(2):170-172 (2003)-Index Medicus

Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan bildiriler :

   B1.  Oztekin HH, Zeren B, Boya H, Özcan Ö: “Symptomatic entrapment of an anomalaous semimembranosus muscle by semitendinosus tendon in a professional soccer player: Diagnosis, surgical findings and follow-up on MRI and 3D CT”. 5th meeting of EFOST, 26-29 November, Antalya, Turkey (2008).

   B.2. Oztekin HH, Zeren B, Nalçakan M: “Toe deformities in classical ballet dancers. Is second toe length really important?” 7th Congress of EFORT, 4-7 June,  Lisboa, Portugal, (2005).

   B.3. Oztekin HH: “Immediate incorporated hip spica cast application for paediatric femoral fractures”. 7th Congress of EFORT, 4-7 June, Lisboa, Portugal, (2005).

   B.4. Oztekin HH, Zeren B: “The injection technique for ensuring a bloodless field in anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions without using a tourniquet”. 11th ESSKA Congress and 4th World Congress on Sports Trauma, Abstract Book,87, 5-8 May, Athens, Greece, (2004).

   B.5. Oztekin HH, Zeren B: “Score celebration injuries among soccer players”. 2nd European Congress of Sports Traumatology, Abstract Book, 66, 1-3 May, Monaco, (2003).

   Yazılan uluslararası kitaplar veya kitaplarda bölümler : -

   C1. Sports Medicine, Ed. M.N. Doral, Springer&Verlag (2012), H. Öztekin: Prevention of  Soccer  Injuries.

   Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :

D.1. Oztekin HH: Karpometakarpal boss”. İzmir Devlet Hastanesi Tıp Dergisi; 29(1):91-93 (1991).

D.2.        Ozsahin F, Oztekin HH: “Snapping kalça (Kalçada kayma sesi, Snapping hip)”. İzmir Devlet Hastanesi Mecmuası, 20(3): 515-518 (1982).

 D.3. Arac S, Karaca C, Oztekin HH, Topal H: “Pelviste kist hidatik-pelvik                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               kuşağınsubtotal rezeksiyonu”. Acta Orthop Traum Tur 22:150-152 (1988)

D.4.        Oztekin HH: “Dirsek artroskopisi”. Alsancak Devlet Hastanesi Tıp Dergisi; 5(2):93-97 (1997).

   Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitaplarında basılan bildiriler:

         E.1. Boya H, Ozcan O, Oztekin HH:  “Klasik yöntemle yapılmış karpal tünel ameliyatı sonrası geç dönem komplikasyonlar” XI. El ve Üst Ekstremite Cerrahisi Kongresi, Bildiri Özet Kitabı: 80-81, Çeşme, İzmir, Türkiye, (2008).

   E.2.  Durmaz H, Sertöz Z, Oztekin HH, Dülgeroğlu A, Ustaoğlu RG: “Femur alt uç eklem içi kırıklarında cerrahi tedavi sonuçlarımız”. 7. TSYADC Kongresi, Özet Kitabı, 181, Ankara, Türkiye, (2004).

   E.3.  Ustaoğlu RG, Oztekin HH, Aslan C, Durmaz H, Dülgeroğlu A, Sertöz Z: “İnstabil parçalı patella kırıklarının cerrahi tedavisinde anterior germe bandı tekniği ile parsiyel patellektomi sonuçlarının karşılaştırılması”. 7. TSYADC Kongresi, Özet Kitabı, 205, Ankara, Türkiye, (2004).

   E.4. Oztekin HH: How to use the internet resources in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine?” 11th Balkan Congress of Sports Medicine, Özet Kitabı, 44, 26-30 April, Antalya, Turkey, (1999).

  Posterler :

   POSTER (Uluslararası):

F.1.         Oztekin HH: Complete volar dislocation of the scaphoid and lunate”. 20th SICOT World Congress, 18-23 August, Amsterdam, Holland, (1996).

   POSTER (Ulusal):

   F.2.        Ozcan O, Boya H, Oztekin HH: “Antekübital tümör kliniğini taklit eden bir radius boynu nonunion olgusu”. V. Türk Omuz ve Dirsek Kongresi, 27-29 Mart, Adana, (2008).

F.3.         Oztekin HH: Diz osteoartitinin non-operatif tedavisinde yenilikler”. VI. TSYADC Kongresi, 21-26 Ekim, Antalya, (2002).

       F.4.         Oztekin HH: Enfekte total diz artroplastisinin artroskopik tedavisi”, VI. TSYADC Kongresi, 21-26 Ekim, Antalya, (2002).

     F.5.         Oztekin HH, Kabaklıoğlu T: “Retrograde intramedullary femoral nails in treatment of failed distal femoral osteosynthesis”. V. TSYADC Kongresi, 24-27 Ekim, İstanbul, (2000).








   G.1 Oztekin HH, “Popliteal glomangioma mimicking Baker’s cyst in a 9-year-old child:   an unusual location of a glomus tumor”. Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, 19(7): E19-23 (2003).


    G.1.1 Bind YW et al. “Pathogenesis and treatment of popliteal cyst”. Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation. 10:36;146-148 (2006).


   G.1.2 Chatterjee JS et al. “Congenital nodular multiple glomangioma: a case report”. J of Clin Pathol. 58:102-110 (2005).


   G.1.3 Boulis S et al. “Glomus tumor”. Internet Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery. 3(2), accessed on 26.09.2007 at


   G.1.4 Auerbach F et al. “Painful tumour at the knee joint: case report and review of the

   literature”. Handchir Mikrochir plast Chir, 38: 129-133 (2006).


   G.1.5 Staying Out of Trouble in Pediatric Orthopaedics” (eds)  David L. Skaggs and John M. Flynn, Chapter 12: References p. 171, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2005).


   G.1.6 Harumi K, Yasumato F, Nobuyuki T “ An unusual case of a glomus tumor devoloping in a subcutaneous vein of the wrist” Journal of Clinical Ultrasound, DOI 10.1002/jcu.20493 (2008).



   G.2. Zeren B and Oztekin HH. “Score celebration injuries among soccer players”. Am J.

   Sports Med. 33:1237-1240, (2005)




   G.2.1 Chinese authors. Chinese Journal of Sports Medicine. 25:5;627-630 (2006).

   G.2.2 Manning MR and Levy RS. “Soccer”. Phys Med and Rehabil N Am. 17(3):677-695 (2006).



        G.3. Zeren B and Oztekin HH. Symptomatic “bucket-handle tear” of the medial patellar plicae in three patients. Am J Sports Med. 32:1748-1750, (2004).

   G.3.1 Current world literature in Current Opinion in Orthopaedics. 17:1 (2006).


        G.4. Oztekin HH, Karaarslan A: “Carpal tunnel syndrome due to a cavernous hemangioma of the median nevre”. Acta Orthop Traum  Tur 37(2):170-172 (2003)


   G.4.1 Dogramaci Y, Kalaci A, Sevinc TT, Yanat AN. Intraneural hemangioma of the median nerve: a case report. J Brachial Plex Peripher Nerve Inj. 2008 Feb 22;3(1):5 [Epub ahead of

   print]  PMID: 18294368 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]


   G.5. Zeren B, Oztekin HH, A new self diagnostic test for biceps femoris muscle strains”, Clin J Sports Med; 16(2):166-169 (2006)


   G.5.1 Carlson C. The natural history and management of hamstring injuries. Curr Rev

   Musculoskelet Med. Humana Pres (2008). DOI 10.1007/s12178-007-9018-8.


       G.6. Oztekin HH: “An unusual complication of knee arthroscopy an extraarticular migrated asymptomatic broken probe from the knee joint”. Arch Orthop Traum Surg ; 125(4):285-287 (2005)


   G.6.1. Ahn JH, Lee DH, Lee YS, Wang JH, Ha, HC. Clearing a blind spot in knee arthroscopy: popliteal bursa. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, DOI 10.1007/s00167-008-0488-z (2008)

   Uluslararası dergilerde hakemlik:

   H.1 “Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery” gönüllü hakemliği “Acknowledgment of Reviewers”: Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, 24(1): 123-124 (2008).

o   H.2  “Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury” hakemliği.

   H.3   “Türkiye Klinikleri Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi” Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji online sistem danışmanı

  Yürütülmekte olan Projeler:

   I.1 Ratlarda kortikosteroid enjeksiyonu ile aşil tendinozis modeli oluşturduktan sonra otolog kan ve trefinizasyon yöntemi ile tedavisinin histopatolojik incelenmesi-PROJE ONAY SAFHASINDA 

   I.2 A prophylactic anti-pivot knee brace: early clinical results of a custom-made electronic circuit integrated brace-PROJE SAFHASINDA.

   Diğer bilimsel çalışmalar:


   J.1  Uluslar arası sempozyum, kongre, çalıştay düzenlenmesi gibi faaliyetlerde kurul üyeliği yapmak

   J.1.1  The 3rd Congress of  APKS/Section of APOA Scientific Board Member

   J.1.2  5th Meeting of European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedic Sports Traumatology-EFOST 2008 Local Organizing Committee Member

   J.2   Ulusal sempozyum, kongre, çalıştay düzenlenmesi faaliyetlerde kurul üyeliği yapmak

   J.2.1 VIII. TSYADC Kongresi düzenleme kurulu üyeliği.



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